
U.S and Israel Tests Arrow-3 Anti-Ballistic Missile System

Arrow 3 Interceptor Missile The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) completed a succe...

Arrow 3 Interceptor Missile

The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) completed a successful flight test of the Arrow-3 interceptor missile today.
This is the first flyout test of the Arrow-3 interceptor and was conducted at an Israeli test range over the Mediterranean Sea.
At 00:52:31 EST, the Arrow-3 interceptor successfully launched and flew an exo-atmospheric trajectory through space, according to the test plan.
The Arrow-3 interceptor was designed to provide another layer of defense against ballistic missiles, to add interception opportunities to Israel's Arrow Weapon System and to improve the active defense architecture of the State of Israel against the missile threats.
The Arrow system is being developed to protect against Iranian-made Shahab ballistic missiles.
The Arrow Weapon System is Israel's national missile defense system. The Arrow system uses the two-stage Arrow II interceptor to destroy an incoming target with a fragmentation warhead. Arrow 3, also a two-stage interceptor, will destroy an incoming target with an exo-atmospheric kill vehicle and provide additional defense capability for evolving threats. Other system elements are a launch control center, fire-control radar and battle management center.
The main contractor for the integration and the development of the Arrow Weapon System is MLM of the Israel Aerospace Industries in conjunction with Boeing.