
European Transport Aircraft Flying Exercise-EATT13 Begun In Spain

European Defense Agency's (EDA) European Air Transport Training 2013 (EATT13) tactical flying exercise for the European military transpo...

European Defense Agency's (EDA) European Air Transport Training 2013 (EATT13) tactical flying exercise for the European military transport aircrafts has begun at Zaragosa, Spain from 9-21 June. Organised for the second time this year in close cooperation with the European Air Transport Command, the training exercise have 350 participants from nine nations with twelve aircrafts .
As part of the EDA’s work to build a culture of increased cooperation among participating Member States and aiming at increasing interoperability in air transport area, the flying event will allow crews to train and qualify together in specific airlift disciplines.
In particular, EATT will consolidate skills in: advanced mission planning; cargo and personnel airdrops; tactical navigation with training of trainers and threat reactions; tactical Air-Land Operations including tactical recoveries, substandard field operations (assault landings), engines running on and offloads and combat offloads; short field landings; formation flying; and night operations.
EATT13 will be developed on an increasing complexity basis, starting from single ship missions and evolving to Composite Air Operations (COMAO) missions.
Supported by the European Air Transport Command (EATC) in Eindhoven, European Air Transport Fleet (EATF) and Ad Hoc Working Group Operations & Training (AHWG O&T).

Member State aircrafts and crews:
Belgium : 1 C-130 Hercules and 2 crews
Czech Republic: 1 CN-295 and 2 crews
France: 1 C-130 and 1 CN 235-300 and 4 crews
Germany: 2 C-160 (I spare) and 2 crews
Italy: 1 C-27 and 2 crews
The Netherlands: 1 C-130 and 2 crews
Norway: 1 C-130J and 2 crews
Spain: 1 C-130 and 1 CN-295 and 4 crews
Sweden: 2 C-130 (1 spare) and 2 crews
Spain is the Host Nation (HN) and the Spanish Air Force is in charge of leading the activities, the planning process and the coordination of the air transport aircraft from eight different nations, with the main support of the European Air Transport Command (EATC), the European Air Group (EAG), the Joint Air Power Competence Center (JAPCC) and, the most important support, the air transport units participants and their Senior National Representatives (SNRs).
With the motto “Training together to operate together” with the aim to increase interoperability of European aircrews and fleets based on common procedures. The objective is to create a European Advanced Air Tactical Transport Course (EAATTC) similar to the American one, and following the philosophy of the Tactical Leadership Programme (TLP). All this work will lead to the establishment of a permanent European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course (EAATTC) in 2014, modelled on the US course that has operated with great success since 1984.