
MQ-8B Fire Scout Unmanned Helicopter Passes 5,000 Flight Hours in Afghanistan

The Northrop Grumman Corporation built MQ-8B Fire Scout unmanned helicopter surpassed 5,000 flight hours while providing critical survei...

The Northrop Grumman Corporation built MQ-8B Fire Scout unmanned helicopter surpassed 5,000 flight hours while providing critical surveillance capabilities to field commanders in Afghanistan.
Fire Scout system has provided real-time airborne surveillance and targeting supporting counter improvised explosive devices (IEDs), provided targeting support and delivered real-time video to military forces on the ground.
Northrop Grumman is the prime contractor on the Navy's Fire Scout program. In 2011, the Navy contracted with Northrop Grumman to support Fire Scout deployment to Afghanistan and provide local commanders with real-time intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance the Navy-Northrop Grumman team provided 5,084 flights of support to U.S. and allied the Navy to build the first eight of 30 planned Endurance Upgrade Fire Scouts. Those aircraft, which have been designated the MQ-8C, will have twice the endurance, three times the payload capability, and will be ready for operation next year.
Combined with testing and Fire Scout's six at-sea deployments aboard Navy frigates, the system and ground commanders with critical threats.