
ADEX 2013: India Unveils Pragati Tactical Missile For Export Market

Pragati at ADEX 2013 India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) unveiled its Pragati tactical battlefield missile...

Pragati at ADEX 2013

India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) unveiled its Pragati tactical battlefield missile, at the Seoul International Aerospace and Defence Exhibition (ADEX 2013).
The surface-to-surface missile is solid-fueled, single-stage ballistic missile with a range of between 60 km and 170 km and a claimed circular error probable of 10m.The new missile meets the limitations of Missile Technology Control Regime(MTCR) limiting the export of missile technology carrying warheads heavier than half a ton beyond 300 kilometers.
Pragati missile system is capable of neutralizing identified ground targets and providing an effective counter-force weapon system. It has all weather day and night operational launch capability.
Pragati is the export variant of Prahar missile
The new missile measures 7.4 meters (24′, 3″) and 0.42 meter (16.5″) in diameter, it carries a conventional warhead weighing up to 200 kg. Pragati is deployed on an Tata 8×8 all-terrain transporter-erector-launcher vehicle carrying six missiles in sealled canisters, ready for launch. The system is designed for quick reaction, enabling a second missile launch five seconds after the first has cleared the rail.
Pragati is an export variant of the Prahar tactical battlefield support missile which was tested in July 2011 and is meant to supplement Indian Army's artillery arm.