
Turkish Hurkus Basic Trainer Continues Flight Tests

Turkish Basic Trainer Aircraft "HÃœRKUÅž", which is designed to meet the training and Light Attack/Armed Reconnaissance aircraft...

Turkish Basic Trainer Aircraft "HÃœRKUÅž", which is designed to meet the training and Light Attack/Armed Reconnaissance aircraft requirements of Turkish Armed Forces, successfully continues its test flights at Turkish Aerospace Industrie's premises in Ankara.
Following the completion of ground and taxi tests, HÃœRKUÅž made its maiden flight on August 29, 2013.
First Flight: Consequent to the flight permission of SHGM (Turkish Civil Aviation General Directorate) and EASA (European Civil Aviation Authority), the first flight, which was performed on August 29, 2013, lasted 33 minutes.
Following the engine start at 07:30 am, HÃœRKUÅž, which took off at 07:35 am, completed its maiden flight with open landing gear position at a height of 9500 ft. During the flight, the first checks were performed on control surfaces and a successful landing was realized.
2ndflight was performed on September 12, 2013 at a height of 9950 ft and 135 knots. Static control tests were performed during the 2ndflight.
3rd flight was performed on September 19, 2013 at a height of 10,200 feet and 140 knots. During the 3rd flight, which lasted 33 minutes, trim controls, flap configuration changes and direct approach tests were performed.
The fourth flight was performed on September 20, 2013 at a height of 10,200 feet and 140 knots. Static stability controls with different flap configurations were checked during the 4thflight that lasted 58 minutes.
Flight tests will continue in the forthcoming period.
Within the framework of the program; two aircraft configurations are being developed.
HÃœRKUÅž-A: Basic version which is to be certified with EASA according to CS-23 requirements.
HÃœRKUÅž-B: Advanced version with integrated avionics (including HUD, MFDs, and Mission Computer).