
LCA Tejus Achieves Record 500 Sorties in 2013

In its sprint to achieve the Initial Operational Clearance-2 (IOC-2), LCA Tejus prototypes achieved a record breaking 500 sorties in 201...

In its sprint to achieve the Initial Operational Clearance-2 (IOC-2), LCA Tejus prototypes achieved a record breaking 500 sorties in 2013.The previous highest was 280 sorties in the year 2009.
TEJAS attained the significant 500th sortie milestone on 27th Dec 2013. The Indian designed and developed multi role fighter was granted IOC on 20 Dec 13.
Year 2013 has been exceptionally successful year for Tejas in achieving key milestones while participating in seven detachments all over country.
Noteworthy accomplishments are In-flight relight (shutting off and then reigniting the single engine), high energy brake testing, flight envelope expansion, R-73E air to air missile firing with radar guidance, Air to ground weapon tests, Emergency jettisoning of entire store, Aircraft in wake tests, Wet Runway trials, demonstration of Swing Role capability during exercise IRON FIST in Feb 2013.
The LCA is designed to ultimately replace the aging Mig 21 fleet of Indian Airforce.
IOC-2 enable Air Force to carry out air superiority and offensive air support missions, forward air field operations, all weather multi role operations.
The fourth generation Tejas, is the smallest, light weight, single engine, single seat, supersonic, multirole, combat aircraft in its class in the world.The quadruplex digital fly-by-wire flight control system ensures acceptable handling qualities while ensuring adequate safety throughout the flight envelope. The advanced Glass cockpit open architecture system complements piloting.
Tejus is being developed in Airforce, Trainer and Naval variants for land and carrier borne operations. A more capable airforce variant-Tejus Mk2 will follow after the development of Mk1 variant is completed by 2014. The Mk2 variant will feature a more powerful GE 414 IN20 engine, and would be slightly bigger in size.
The Final Operational Clearance (FOC) is targeted to be achieved by the end of 2014, which will make the Tejus true combat ready.