
Martin Baker Vows Lessons Learned After Fatal RAF Red Arrows Incident

British pilot ejection seat manufacturer Martin Baker said it has learned lessons and took steps to prevent reccurence of circumstances ...

British pilot ejection seat manufacturer Martin Baker said it has learned lessons and took steps to prevent reccurence of circumstances that led to a fatal accidential ejection of a Royal Air Force pilot, following the investigation report, which found negligence from Martin Baker.

Flt Lt Sean Cunningham

 On 8 November 2011, Flt Lt Sean Cunningham died when he inadvertently ejected from his stationary RAF Red Arrows aerobatic display team Hawk T1 trainer jet, the seat pan firing handle having been mistakenly left in an unsafe position. The seat failed due to a shackle bolt being too tight, which prevented the main parachute from deploying . Investigation also found Martin Baker failed to provide any written guidance as how to appropriately secure the drogue nut to its bolt and warnings to the RAF about the possible consequences of over-tightening the bolt.

 MB said it has now alerted all its customers worldwide who still use this type of seat, about the risk of over tightening the shackle and has developed a new type of shackle bolt and firing handle housing. RAF has been operating the Type 10B1 Mk1 zero speed-zero altitude ejection seat for 35 years and has saved more than 800 lifes. Martin Baker said its seats have saved 7436 lives, seven in this month alone.