
UK Details Taranis Unmanned Stealthy Combat Drone First Flight

Taranis in Flight British Ministry Of Defense and BAE Systems revealed more details about Taranis unmanned stealthy combat air vehi...

Taranis in Flight
British Ministry Of Defense and BAE Systems revealed more details about Taranis unmanned stealthy combat air vehicle program.
The most advanced aircraft ever built by British engineers made its maiden flight at an undisclosed test range on Saturday 10 August 2013 , probably the Woomera test range in Australia – under the command of BAE Systems test pilot Bob Fraser.

 The demonstrator aircraft made a perfect take-off, rotation, ‘climb-out’ and landing on its 15-minute maiden flight. Following which a number of flights took place in 2013, lasting up to 1 hour in duration and at a variety of altitudes and speeds. Ground trials commenced later in 2010 at BAE's aircraft factory in Warton, Lancashire followed by a comprehensive and highly detailed programme of pre-first flight milestones including unmanned pilot training, radar cross section measurements, ground station system integration and, in April 2013 taxi trials on the runway at Warton.
Taranis taxiing at BAE Systems in Warton, Lancashire [Picture: Ray Troll, BAE Systems]
 The aircraft has been designed as a technology demonstrator, to develop technologies for unmanned air system capable of sustained surveillance, marking targets, gathering intelligence, deterring adversaries and carrying out strikes in hostile territory. Costing £185 million and funded jointly by the UK MOD and UK industry, the Taranis demonstrator aircraft was formally unveiled in July 2010. About the size of BAE Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer, Taranis is powered by a Rolls Royce-Turbomeca Adour 951 turbofan engine.