
Alenia MC-27J Demonstrator Makes Maiden Flight

MC-27J First Flight The first MC-27J multi-mission tactical transport aircraft completed its maiden flight from the Alenia Aermacchi’...

MC-27J First Flight
The first MC-27J multi-mission tactical transport aircraft completed its maiden flight from the Alenia Aermacchi’s Turin Test Flight Centre in Italy.

MC-27J is a modified variant of C-27J airlifter for ISR and gunship roll-on/roll-off capability, jointly carried out by Alenia Aermacchi and ATK.

The MC-27J can quickly switch from a tactical cargo mission capability to a persistent multi-mission capability utilizing RORO pallets for the integrated mission system consoles, the GAU-23 cannon, and Precision Guided Munition weapon systems that enable C2/ISR architectures.
The demonstrator features an L-3 Wescam MX-15Di Electro-Optical and Infrared Turret mounted under the nose of the aircraft for ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) and SAR missions (Search and Rescue); and with Link-16 datalink software and hardware provisions that will prepare the aircraft for the ATK palletized mission system installation.

Provisions for upgraded Selex ES communication system with crypto capability have been also set up.

The installation of both the ATK developed modular roll-on/roll-off mission and weapon system, and a modified side door for the GAU-23 30 mm cannon installation will be completed in May.

In June 2014, a new series of flight tests, including firing the side-mounted cannon, will be completed.
The MC-27J, successfully completed first phase of ground and flight tests in the spring of 2013 from Eglin Air Force Base in the U.S.

The tests demonstrated the C-27J’s ability to host a self-contained, roll-on/roll-of gun pallet (RORO) using ATK’s proven GAU-23 30mm cannon in a side firing configuration.
The joint development was announced at Farnborough Air Show in 2012.