
Saab Flight Test New IRST Sensor For Gripen E

Swedish Saab has successfully flight tested the new IRST (Infra Red Search and Track) sensor for its under deveopment Gripen E figh...

Swedish Saab has successfully flight tested the new IRST (Infra Red Search and Track) sensor for its under deveopment Gripen E fighter.

The new IRST does not emit a signal and can scan, without revealing the aircraft’s own position, silently detect, track and identify all types of targets.

The test flight verified IRST functions and the integration onto the Gripen E aircraft.

The nose mounted IRST will be effective against aerial targets with low radar cross section, such as stealth aircraft. The IR sensor will detect the heat emissions from other aircraft, helicopters and from objects on the ground and sea surface.

Gripen E will have a significant performance improvements compared to previous variants, including a more powerful F414G-39E turbofan engine, Selex ES Raven ES-05 active electronically scanned array (AESA)radar and more weapons.