
First Captor-E AESA radar installed Typhoon unveiled

Captor-E AESA Radar Eurofighter GmbH and Euroradar, together with BAE Systems, have delivered the first Captor-E Active Electronically...

Captor-E AESA Radar

Eurofighter GmbH and Euroradar, together with BAE Systems, have delivered the first Captor-E Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar installed Typhoon for flight testing.
The Captor-E installed Instrumented Production Aircraft IPA5, was showcased at the Farnborough International Airshow, on Tuesday 15th July.

The Captor-E AESA radar is designed for the Eurofighter Typhoon by Euroradar, a multi-national consortium lead by Finmeccanica-Selex ES, alongside Airbus Defence & Space and Spanish Indra.

The AESA radar features increased detection and tracking ranges, advanced air-to-surface capability, enhanced electronic protection measures and stealthier operation.

The Captor-E will replace the mechanically steered antennas and high-power transmitters used on current Captor-M with an electronically steered array.
The Captor-E retains the key features of the existing Captor radar architecture, key differences include the very large antenna size and the repositioner which gives an extremely Wide Field of Regard (WFoR).

The 200 degree field of regard is significantly larger than typical ‘fixed plate’ AESA radars giving Typhoon a significant tactical advantage in air combat and greater situational awareness. The larger antenna allows a greater number of TRMs (transmitter receiver modules) thus greater power and reception leading to earlier target detection and greater utility across the EW spectrum.

The radar is available as a retrofit to both Tranche 2 and Tranche 3 Typhoons. The flight trial completion and service entry is expected in 2015.