
Harpoon anti ship missile to arm Indian HDW Type-209 Subs

U.S. State Department has approved a Foreign Military Sale of UGM-84L Harpoon anti ship missiles worth $200 million to India.

U.S. State Department has approved a Foreign Military Sale of UGM-84L Harpoon anti ship missiles worth $200 million to India.

The submarine variant of the multi platform Harpoon missile system will equip Indian Navy’s Shishumar class diesal-electric submarine (HDW Type-209), augmenting its anti ship capability, which currently employs mines and torpedos.
The deal consists sale of 12 UGM-84L Harpoon Block II Encapsulated Missiles, 10 UTM-84L Harpoon Encapsulated Training missiles, 2 Encapsulated Harpoon certification training vehicles and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support.

India currently operates four Shishumar-class Type 209/1500 subs designed by German Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW).

The Boeing built Harpoon missile already equips Indian Air Force Jaguar strike fighter and Indian Navy P-8I maritime patrol aircraft.
The Sea-skimming Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the- horizon, anti-ship missile with more than 100 km range.

The deal comes after Indian Navy lost one of its credible INS Sindhurakshak submarine in August 2013, following onboard explosions. India’s current submarine fleet stands at 11 ageing conventional boats and one leased nuclear powered Russian Akula Class sub, with only 6 to 8 available for patrolling at a time.