
Indian Air Force ALH Dhruv Helo crashed

An Indian Airforce ALH Dhruv helicopter crashed near Sitapur of Lucknow area at about 1657 hrs on 25 Jul 2014.

An Indian Airforce ALH Dhruv helicopter crashed near Sitapur of Lucknow area at about 1657 hrs on 25 Jul 2014.

The Helicopter was airborne from Bareilly at 1553 hrs and was on a mission to Allahabad. The Pilot gave a ‘may-day’ (emergency) call and soon after that there was a loss of contact on radar and on radio.

Seven military personels including two pilots on board died in the crash.

The Indian built helicopter is used by the three branches of Indian armed forces. This is the seventh crash of the helicopter since service entry in 2002.