
MD530G armed scout helicopter completes firepower trials

Photo: MD Helicopters In The new MD 530G Armed Aerial Scout helicopter from MD Helicopters has successfully completed the Live Fire Quali...

Photo: MD Helicopters In
The new MD 530G Armed Aerial Scout helicopter from MD Helicopters has successfully completed the Live Fire Qualification Exercises at the Yuma Proving Grounds in Arizona.

The live fire demonstration included firing of .50 caliber and 7.62mm ammunition, as well as unguided and laser-guided rockets.

During the trials, MD530G successfully fired four Raytheon Talon laser guided rockets at distances ranging from 2 km to 5 km, each striking within 1.5 meters from the center of target.
Talon LGR is a low-cost, digital semi-active laser guidance and control kit co-developed with the UAE. It is a guided version of the legacy 2.75-inch Hydra-70 unguided rocket.
The MD 530G is configured with the Moog Stores Management System (SMS), the Mace Aviation Extended Range Weapons Wing, FN Herstal Machine Gun Pods and Rocket Machine Pods, Dillon Aero M134D-H Mini-Gun, the L-3 Wescam MX-10D electro-optic/infrared sensor and target designator, and M260 rocket pod.
With cruise speeds in excess of 110 knots, the MD 530G is designed for agile deployment with any rotary wing unit such as the UH-60 Blackhawk assault force. The MD 530G also features high capacity landing gear to support 3,750 MGTOW (max gross takeoff weight).

The 530G airframe is based on the combat-proven MD 530F airframe. It is powered by a single Allison 250-C30 turboshaft engine rated at 650 hp (485 kW). The 530G debuted at HeliExpo in February 2014.
Certification is expected by September 2014, with initial rate production beginning by the end of 2014.