
Boeing completes FDR of Talon HATE communication pod

Artist concept of Talon HATE carried in a pod attached to Boeing’s F-15C fighter  Image Credit:Boeing Boeing has completed the final d...

Artist concept of Talon HATE carried in a pod attached to Boeing’s F-15C fighter  Image Credit:Boeing
Boeing has completed the final design review of Talon HATE communication pod for U.S. Air Force, that will improve communication and information sharing between 5th and 4th generation fighters.

Talon HATE combines information from fighter networks, national sources and joint command and control assets and can then be used by joint aircraft, ships and ground stations, improving communication and information sharing across the battlespace.

The Talon HATE system will be initially carried in a pod attached to Boeing’s F-15C fighter aircraft.

The pod is designed to connect the fifth-generation Lockheed F-22 to the fourth-generation fighters like F\A-18, F-16, F-15, as the F-35 will only be fielded from Aug 2016.

Boeing worked with industry suppliers to rapidly prototype the Talon HATE system for the USAF Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities office within Air Combat Command.

The swiftness comes from the fact that communications with 4th generation fighters was a limiting factor to use F-22s operationally which affected planner during the Libyan campaign in 2011.

“Working with our customer, Boeing rapidly designed and demonstrated this new system to meet an urgent need on an accelerated timeline,” said Alex Lopez, vice president, Advanced Network & Space Systems, Phantom Works. “The system assimilates information in real-time from multiple domains creating an improved common operating picture for tactical awareness.”

As part of the development, the Boeing team integrated the Intra Flight Data Link (IFDL) used on F-22 aircraft within a proven flight communications system, called the Multifunctional Information Distribution System-JTRS (or MIDS-J).

 This marked the first time IFDL was integrated on the MIDS-J system, which is also used on Boeing F/A-18 aircraft. MIDS-J serves as a host for multiple concurrent communications waveforms that are essential for Talon HATE forward operations.

Boeing is scheduled to deliver Talon HATE systems to operational squadrons in 2015.