Tuesday, March 18


RAF fielding P1E enhanced Typhoons

Eurofighter Typhoon British Royal Air Force (RAF) is fielding the most advanced Eurofighter Typhoon fighter variant, through the Phase 1 ...

Eurofighter Typhoon
British Royal Air Force (RAF) is fielding the most advanced Eurofighter Typhoon fighter variant, through the Phase 1 Enhancements (P1E) upgrade package that imparts true multi-role capability.

BAE Systems has delivered the first 17 P1E standard Typhoons to RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, with a further 18 to be delivered by 1st April 2015.

Developed by BAE Systems along with Eurofighter Partner companies, the capabilities introduced have been developed on the back of 2011 Libya operations.

The upgrades include enhanced computing power, weapons systems integration advancements and improved sensor suites. The P1E enhancements package delivers much more flexibility in mission planning. It allows a single pilot, in a single aircraft to simultaneously attack six different targets in one pass.

Divided into two elements, Phase 1 Enhancements (a) and Phase 1Enhancements (b), the latter takes the multi-role concept to a new level.
The PE1b package upgrades the aircraft’s Defensive Aids Sub System and the latest interoperability updates for the Multifunction Information and Distribution Systems.
Typhoon Requirements Manager, Wing Commander Stephen Williams said: “P1Eb allows Typhoon to begin realising its air-to-surface capability while also delivering in the air-to-air arena. Our ability to switch between air-to-air and air-to-surface modes is a big step, providing great flexibility for our pilots on Operations. This is a key step to delivering capability for the UK’s Interim Force 15.”
P1E allows full Air-to-Surface capability for Typhoon - including Laser Designator Pod -, full smart bomb integration, modern secure Identification Friend or Foe (Mode 5), improved Radios and Direct Voice Input, Air-to-Surface Helmet Mounted Sight System, improved Air-to-Air capabilities including digital integration of Short Range Air-to-Air Missiles and updated MIDS (Multifunctional Information Distribution System) Datalink functionalities for enhanced interoperability with Coalition Forces. The package allow to drop both the Raytheon Paveway IV LGB and the enhanced GBU-16 precision-guided bomb.