
Successful firing of MBDA MMP land combat missile

  © MBDA French Defence Procurement Agency (Direction Générale de l’Armement) successfully carried out the first firing of MMP (Missile d...

French Defence Procurement Agency (Direction Générale de l’Armement) successfully carried out the first firing of MMP (Missile de Moyenne Portée or Medium Range Missile), the successor to the Milan weapon system on Feb 2.

Test firing carried out at the DGA Techniques Terrestres site in Bourges (central France), confirmed MMP’s excellent accuracy in locking onto a hidden target at a distance of more than 4,000 m.

A second test firing was carried out on Feb. 11, against a steel target positioned at an intermediate range, in lock on before launch mode (fire-and-forget) using the missile seeker’s colour TV channel channel.

The man-portable missile can be installed on tracked and wheeled vehicles. The missile is designed to have a maximum range of 4,000m. It has an overall length of 13m, diameter of 0.14m, and weight of 15kg (inclusive of tube).

MBDA started the program in 2009, to replace France's Milan wire-guided anti-tank missile. The system delivery to French Army is scheduled for 2017.