
Boeing unveil F-15C 2040C Eagle upgrade package

Boeing unveiled an upgrade package to its F-15C fighters that will enable these air superiority fighters to double its air to air missil...

Boeing unveiled an upgrade package to its F-15C fighters that will enable these air superiority fighters to double its air to air missile payload.

The upgrade package called 2040C Eagle, will double the air to air payload to 16 missiles by using quad pack munition racks.

The upgrade which focuses on the lethality, was evolved from the stealthy "Silent Eagle" upgrade proposed to South Korean F-15 fleet.

Other improvements in the package include conformal fuel tanks for increased range, Raytheon's APG-63 AESA radar, long range Infrared Search and Tracking (IRST) sensor for stealthy tracking and the Talon HATE communication pod to connect with fifth generation F-22 Raptor.

The 2040C Eagle upgrade will offered to Air National Guard F-15Cs and export customers, that include Israel, Japan and Saudi Arabia.

The single seat F-15C entered U.S. Air Force fleet in 1979. The all weather extremely maneuverable tactical fighter was designed to maintain air superiority over the battlefield. After the design proved flexible enough, a strike variant was developed, called the F-15E Strike Eagle in 1989.

Current USAF inventory consists 249 of the type.