
Images: Seventh Chinese J-20 prototype revealed

The seventh prototype of the Chinese fifth generation fighter J-20 has been unveiled during taxi trials at the Chengdu Aviation Corporat...

The seventh prototype of the Chinese fifth generation fighter J-20 has been unveiled during taxi trials at the Chengdu Aviation Corporation, factory.

Chinese internet reports the aircraft is fitted with an improved Divertless Supersonic Intake (DSI).

Successful flight trials will lead to series production, and is expected to be operational with PLAAF in 2018. Pentagon believes the first operational squadron could be constituted by 2020.

China has already became the second country to operate largest no of fifth generation fighters outside United States. Russia currently operates five Sukhoi T-50 prototypes.

Designed and developed to counter the U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor stealth fighter, the J-20 has the potential to become a long range stealth fighter. China still have to overcome a no of challenges including development of a powerful engine, AESA radar and advanced avionics.

Currently the prototypes are believed to be powered by Russian AL-31F engines that powers the Su-27 Flanker fighter family. China is also developing an indigenous design, the WS-15 turbofan which is expected to power the series production aircraft.