
UK A400M fleet cleared for extended missions

UK Ministry of Defense has declared In-Service Delivery (ISD) milestone for its Airbus A400M airlifter fleet following induction of the ...

UK Ministry of Defense has declared In-Service Delivery (ISD) milestone for its Airbus A400M airlifter fleet following induction of the seventh aircraft in to Royal Air Force fleet, enabling to undertake extended world-wide tasks.

With the delivery, the RAF now has four A400Ms in day-to-day service at Brize Norton while three others are undergoing installation and testing of UK-specific Defensive Aids Sub-System (DASS) systems required to operate in hostile environments, ahead of the final operational capability milestone which is due next year.

Operating data shows that the RAF A400M fleet is achieving excellent in-service results, and will pass 1,000 hours flying this month, with the first RAF aircraft about to become the A400M global fleet leader in terms of flight-time. The aircraft are achieving a mission success rate in excess of 90%.

The aircraft, which will gradually replace the C130 Hercules, is capable of operating either at low or high-level altitudes and to deploy troops and/or equipment between and within theaters of operation, either by parachute or by landing on short, unprepared or semi-prepared strips.

Under the £2.75 billion program, UK will operate 22 of the type.