
UK NPAS orders Vulcanair P.86R surveillance aircraft

The police air support in UK is set to become 24/7 all weather capable with the introduction of the new fixed wing aircraft, that will r...

The police air support in UK is set to become 24/7 all weather capable with the introduction of the new fixed wing aircraft, that will replace the helicopter fleet.

The NPAS (National Police Air Service) has awarded contract to deliver 4 role-equipped fixed-wing Vulcanair P.68R surveillance aircraft to be based in a purpose built facility, serving the whole of England and Wales.

The Vulcanair P.68R airframes will have a 24/7 all-weather flight capability following significant upgrades to the airframe. Each aircraft will be retrofitted with sophisticated camera and mapping systems for surveillance.

The contract to purchase and modify the aircraft has been awarded to Austrian Airborne Technologies GmBH (ABT) who will upgrade them with technologies such as L-3 Wescam MX10 camera and CarteNav mapping.

The contract was awarded after a 6-month trial, with the aircraft operating alongside the helicopter fleet countrywide.

With the introduction of this new generation of fixed-wing aircraft to the helicopter-dominated fleet, UK NPAS will enhance its capabilities and reduce its cost.

At approximately one-third of the purchase and operating cost of a helicopter, these aircraft will have as a minimum, 80% of the capability of a helicopter and will be operationally positioned where they are able to deliver maximum benefit.

While helicopters are very flexible there are conditions which they are sometimes unable to fly, such as heavy fog, if visibility is too badly affected. Fixed wing aircraft are also capable of being airborne for longer periods compared with helicopters which means they have an increased range.

The introduction of fixed wing will contribute towards 14% budget savings to the public purse annually.

The four helicopters that include three Airbus Helicopters EC135 and one McDonnell Douglas Explorer, will be made available for commercial sale when the P.89 enters service in 2016 and 2017.