
Russian jets pound ISIS targets

Russian fighter jets deployed to Syrian Air Base has begun attacks against ISIS targets on Wednesday, Defense Ministry says. The Suk...

Russian fighter jets deployed to Syrian Air Base has begun attacks against ISIS targets on Wednesday, Defense Ministry says.

The Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer ground attack jets with modern armament hit eight facilities, including munition, armament and POL storages, combat vehicles, command and communication posts.

The pilots completely destroyed HQ and coordination centers of the ISIS troops located in the mountains according to a Russian Defense Ministry release.

During a second mission on Thursday, the Su-24M and Su-25 aircraft performed 8 sorties eliminating the staff of terrorist groupings and an ammunition depot near Idlib as well as a three-level HQ centre near Hamah.

As a result of a pinpoint bomb attack, a plant aimed for preparation of cars for terrorist attacks located in the north of Homs is completely destroyed.

All the airstrikes of the Russian aviation are coordinated with the Command of the Syrian Army. An operational group of the Ministry of Defence of the Syrian Arab Republic is deployed at the Hmeymim airbase for these purposes.

Russia began deploying attack jets to Syrian airbase last month, to help its close ally Syrian President Bashar Al Assad. The deployment include Su-25 Frogfoot and Su-25 Fencer ground attack jets , Su-34 fighter bombers, along with four Su-27 multi role air superiority fighters.

Image; Russian Su-24 jet fires ground attack rockets against ISIS targets