
Sikorsky complete VH-92A Marine One Preliminary Design Review

Sikorsky has achieved three milestones into the development of the new Marine One Presidential transport helicopter based on the Sikorsk...

Sikorsky has achieved three milestones into the development of the new Marine One Presidential transport helicopter based on the Sikorsky S-92 heliocpter.

Sikorsky has successfully completed the VH-92A Presidential Helicopter Replacement Program Preliminary Design Review (PDR), completion of the integration and performance testing of mission communications system (MCS) components, and Sikorsky's acceptance of the second S-92A™ aircraft for the program.

The PDR, completed on Aug. 21, allowed the VH-92A team to demonstrate the preliminary design for the VH-92A aircraft, including integration of the MCS, and the supporting logistics elements. Completing this step signals that the program is ready to proceed into detailed design (Critical Design Review).

Sikorsky is integrating the triple engined S-92A aircraft with a mature MCS and an executive interior.

Engineering Development Model 0 (EDM -0), the first S-92A helicopter for the VH-92A Program, completed MCS testing on Aug. 25.

More than 80 hours of ground and flight testing was conducted over the course of three months in Owego, New York, site of system integrator Lockheed Martin, Sikorsky's principal supplier on the program.

Sikorsky accepted the second S-92A aircraft for the VH-92A program on Sept. 3 when it was flown from Sikorsky's commercial aircraft facility in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, to the Stratford, Connecticut, location. This aircraft has commenced the early stages of the modification process.

Sikorsky was awarded the $1.2 billion fixed-price incentive engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) contract with production options for 21 operational and two test aircraft by U.S. Navy on May 7, 2014.

Initial fielding is planned for 2020, with production concluding in 2023.

The VH-92A will continue to provide safe and reliable helicopter transportation for the President and Vice President of the United States and other officials.