
Video: Czech L-159 fighter sustain birdstrike

[VIDEO] Exclusive cockpit footage as #Czech fighter pilot faces nightmare: birdstrike. — NATO (@NATO) Novemb...

A Czech Air Force Aero L-159 light combat aircraft had sustained a bird strike during a training sortie in Spain last month.

The bird hit the aircraft's right wing puncturing a hole, damaging the wing leading edge and wingtip fuel tank.

The pilot Lt Abel Zbynek immediately declared emergency and prepared for any emergency situation as the wingtip tank has started to flutter. He later made a safe landing without any further incidents.

The L-159A is a single-seat light multi-role combat aircraft designed for a variety of air-to-air, air-to-ground and reconnaissance missions developed by Czech aircraft manufacture Aero Vodochody.

Powered by a single Honeywell F124-GA-100 turbofan, rated at 28.2 kN (6,330 lbf), L-159A can carry a wide range of NATO standard stores weighing up to 2300 kg, including air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles and laser guided bombs.

Czech and Iraqi Air Force operates single seat combat and twin seat trainer variants of L-159. The aircraft was later transported to Czech on road.