
Video: S-400 air defence system deployed in Syria

Russia has operationalised a battery of S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft weapon system in its Syrian airbase in Latakia. The move comes foll...

Russia has operationalised a battery of S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft weapon system in its Syrian airbase in Latakia.

The move comes following downing of a Russian Su-24 bomber aircraft by Turkish F-16s after it violated Turkish airspace briefly.

The S-400 is designed to destroy all types of airborne targets including aircraft, cruise missiles at ranges up to 400 km, and ballistic targets (flying at speeds up to 4,8 km/s) at ranges of up to 60 km, at altitudes from several meters to more than 30 kilometers.

Detection range of its radar system is upto 600 km and can engage simultaneously 80 targets with a ripple of 2 missiles at each traget for high kill probability.

Russian Navy has also deployed its 11500 tons Moskva guided missile cruiser ship to the coast of Latakia, which is equipped with the S-300F air defense system.

Additionally Russian Defense Ministry said to extend air defense cover to all its bombing/ ground attack missions using the Su-34, Su-25 and Su-24 bombers, it is deploying 10-12 additional Su-27/30 Flanker fighters to the Syrian base. Presently four Su-30SM fighter are deployed for the Combat Air Patrol missions.

These Russian deployment could potentially escalate the already tense situation in the region as it seriously degrade offensive capability of any aerial platforms in the region including that of U.S. fighter jets deployed in Turkey. As a knee jerk reaction U.S. may weigh options including deployment of the stealth fighters to region. If not diffused it would escalate to Cold War era like standoff between the two countries.