
French E-3F AWACS upgrade completed

Air France KLM Industries has completed the Mid Life Upgrade (MLU) of French Air Force E-3F AWACS radar aircraft in partnership with Boeing...

Air France KLM Industries has completed the Mid Life Upgrade (MLU) of French Air Force E-3F AWACS radar aircraft in partnership with Boeing, delivering the last upgraded aircraft in the end of June.

The MLU upgraded the mission systems of the four aircraft to the Block 40/45 level as defined by Boeing for the US Air Force, increasing the fleet’s surveillance, communications and battle management capabilities.

The upgrade involved replacing all the on-board computer systems with latest-generation equipment: new servers, new consoles, an Ethernet network and optical fibre. This is being combined with an upgrade to the aircraft's structural systems to support the new, heavier hardware.

The first upgraded French Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft was delivered in 2014.

Boeing, as prime contractor, provided hardware, software, engineering and quality assurance support. Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance, a Boeing subcontractor on the project, upgraded the electrical, mechanical and structural systems and mission hardware on the aircraft.

The Boeing E-3 Sentry is based on a Boeing 707 airliner platform and provides all-weather surveillance, command, control, and communications, distinguished by the distinctive rotating radar dome above the fuselage.

Its pulse-Doppler radar can track low flying targets at a range of more than 250 mi (400 km) and the pulse (BTH) radar can track medium to high altitude targets at range of approximately 400 mi (650 km).

The E-3 is also operated by United States Air Force, NATO, Royal Air Force and Royal Saudi Air Force. Production ended in 1992 after 68 aircraft had been built.