
L-3 delivers first upgraded C-130 to Argentina

Farnborough, UK L-3 Communication's Platform Integration division has delivered the first upgraded Lockheed Martin C-130 military tra...

Farnborough, UK

L-3 Communication's Platform Integration division has delivered the first upgraded Lockheed Martin C-130 military transport aircraft to Argentina as part of a U.S. Air Force Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.

The delivery was the first of five aircraft scheduled to receive avionics and systems modernization.

The first aircraft installation and integration was performed by L-3 at its facility in Waco, Texas, and the remaining four aircraft will be upgraded at its in-country partner FAdeA’s (FábricaArgentina deAviones) modification facility in Córdoba, Argentina, with L-3 support.

“The cockpit avionics and aircraft systems upgrades delivered by our team will increase the mission availability of these C-130 aircraft for the Argentine Air Force and help ensure they continue to fly safely for many years to come,” said Mark Von Schwarz, president of L-3 Aerospace Systems, which includes the Platform Integration division. “These L-3 improvements will allow worldwide operations by providing compliance to current and upcoming Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) regulations.”

Under the program, L-3 installed new communication, navigation and air traffic management systems avionics capabilities, as well as a reliability upgrade on critical environmental and power systems to increase mission availability.

The aircraft will be equipped with L-3 WESCAM MX™-Series electro-optical and infrared imaging and targeting system.