
India test guided Pinaka 2 MBRL

A guided version of the Pinaka multi-barrel rocket was successfully tested by India's Defense Research and Development Organisation ...

A guided version of the Pinaka multi-barrel rocket was successfully tested by India's Defense Research and Development Organisation on Thursday.

Evolved from the unguided Pinaka Mark-I, the Mark-II version is equipped with a navigation, guidance and control kit that has considerably enhance the range and accuracy of Pinaka.

The Pinaka II also have an extended range of 65 km compared to the 39 km range of the Pinaka I.

Pinaka rocket is launched from a Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL) mounted on a high mobility 8x8 Tatra truck. Each launch system can fire a salvo of 12 rockets within 44 seconds.

A battery of Pinaka MBRL consisting six launchers can neutralize an area of 1 km square at 39 km range.

The rocket can be armed with a wide range of warheads including Aerial Denial Munitions, fragmentation high explosive, incendiary,  Anti-Tank and Anti-Personnel mines.