
Armed Turkish Anka UAV commence trails

SSM Copyright Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has commenced trails of an armed version of the indigenous Anka medium altitude long e...

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Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has commenced trails of an armed version of the indigenous Anka medium altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aircraft, integrated with Turkish Rokestan made weapons.

Successful weapon drops from Anka were achieved according to Turkish Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM).

The armed Anka with a maximum payload of 200 kg,  is equipped with two under wing weapon stations, integrated with a Rokestan MAM-L missile launcher and a CIRIT 2.75 inch guided rocket pod.

MAM-L launcher can carry two missiles in tandem configuration and the CIRIT pod can house four rockets.

The Smart Micro Munition (MAM-L) is a air-launched version of the Rokestan Laser guided LUMTAS anti-tank ground launched missile tailored for UAVs. It weighs 22.5 kg (50 lb) and has a range of 8 km.

The laser guided Rokestan CIRIT rocket has a 8 km range and can strike with precision against light, armored/unarmored and stationary/mobile targets.

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The MAM-L has already been integrated and operational with the Turkish Bayraktar and Karayel tactical UAVs.

With a wingspan of 17.3 m, the Anka is powered by a single 155 hp turbocharged piston engine in pusher configuration.

It can fly surveillance and reconnaissance missions continuously for 24 hours, and have a service ceiling of 30,000 ft.

The Anka was introduced to Turkish armed forces in 2013. The armed variant will be delivered to forces in 2017.