
USAF strikes with MOAB in Afghan

U.S. Air Force has dropped the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in U.S. arsenal, the MOAB targeting a ISIS camp in Nangarhar province in e...

U.S. Air Force has dropped the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in U.S. arsenal, the MOAB targeting a ISIS camp in Nangarhar province in eastern part Afghanistan.

The strike was carried out at 7:32 pm local time, today on a ISIS-K tunnel complex in the Achin district, to minimize risks to U.S. and Afghan forces carrying out clearing operations in the region.

The strike marks the combat debut for the bomb, which was developed within 9 weeks, for the 2003 Iraq war to replace the famous BLU-82 Daisy Cutter used in the Vietnam War.

With a length of 30 feet and weighing 21,000 pounds, the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) is designed to be released from a U.S. Air Force C-130 transport plane.

The MOAB is released by pulling it out through the rear cargo door of a C-130 aircraft using a parachute, and then used GPS guidance to home on to the target along with fins and inertial gyros for pitch and roll control.

The bomb explodes before impacting the ground, in air, to cause maximum destruction in the ground level.