
Boeing demonstrate Talon HATE communication pod

Boeing successfully demonstrated its Talon HATE airborne networking pod that is designed to improve communication and information sharin...

Boeing successfully demonstrated its Talon HATE airborne networking pod that is designed to improve communication and information sharing among multiple aircraft and ground stations.

During flight testing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Talon HATE pods on two F-15C aircraft enabled test pilots to share information through the military’s Link 16, Common Data Link and Wideband Global SATCOM satellites.

The tests also validated intra-flight datalink network capabilities used by F-22 aircraft.

Pilots using the system can transmit information quickly between the F-15C and other U.S. Air Force aircraft and weapon systems, enabling efficient information sharing in real time.

The Talon HATE system is designed to initially be carried in a pod attached to Boeing’s F-15C fighter aircraft.

Boeing will conduct additional tests later this year with advanced sensors, which will offer improved aircraft targeting capabilities.