Wednesday, March 12


Boeing delivers first batch of AH-6I Little Bird helicopters to Saudi Arabia

 Boeing has delivered the first batch of AH-6i Little Bird light attack and reconnaissance helicopters to Saudi Arabia. Of the 12 he...

 Boeing has delivered the first batch of AH-6i Little Bird light attack and reconnaissance helicopters to Saudi Arabia.

Of the 12 helicopters delivered by Boeing, 9 have arrived in the Kingdom, while the remaining three have been retained in United States for pilot training.

The light single engine helicopters will be operated by 1st Aviation Brig of Saudi Arabian National Guard based at Khashm Al-Aan Airbase in capital Riyadh.

In October 2010, U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Saudi Arabia of 36 AH-64D Block III Apache heavy attack helicopters, 72 UH-60M Blackhawk helicopters, 36 AH-6i light attack helicopters and 12 MD-530F Light Turbine helicopters worth $25.6 billion.

Powered by a single Rolls Royce M250 turboshaft engine, AH-6i can be equipped with a variety of weapon payloads including, semi-active laser guided Hellfire missiles, 70 mm rockets, M-134 mini gun and .50 caliber GAU-19B machine gun under the four stub wing pylons.

The glass cockpit and avionics are derived from the AH-64 Apache attack helicopters. It is equipped with L-3 Wescam MX-15Di sensor turret for reconnaissance and a laser rangefinder/designator and laser pointer for targeting.

With a maximum cruise speed of 126 knots, the Little Bird has a 179 nmi (331 km) range with a endurance of 2.1 hrs and can operate at maximum service ceiling of 20,000 ft.