
India test fire QRSAM mobile air defense system

India has test fired its new surface to air missile dubbed the QRSAM or Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile for second time on Monday....

India has test fired its new surface to air missile dubbed the QRSAM or Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile for second time on Monday.

The QRSAM system is intended to provide mobile area air defense cover to advancing mechanized infantry of Indian Army.

Developed by state owned Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the new SAM is designed to engage fighter jets, helicopters and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at distance ranging between 3 to 30 km.

Powered by Solid fueled rocket motor, the QRSAM can reach a top speed of 3,600 kmph and is guided to the target by Radar data link, with terminal guidance provided by a RF seeker. It can engage targets at altitudes ranging between 30 m and 6 km with 360 degree azimuth.

Mounted on high mobility Tatra truck for cross country capability, each missile launch vehicle (MLV) carries six QRSAM canisters on a 360 rotatable platform, enabling multiple target engagement. It can engage aircraft flying at 500 m/s (1800 kmph) speeds at 20 km and flying with 300 m/s (1080 kmph) at 30 km.

Each QRSAM battery consist of one C band Battery Surveillance Radar (BSR), and four X band Battery Multi-function Radar (BMFR) coupled to four MLVs. Both radars uses active phased array technology and can operate in intense Electronic Warfare (EW) environment.

The BSR have a tracking range of up to 120 km and the fire control radar BMFR have a tracking range of upto 80 km.

The system will complement the DRDO developed Akash SAM system operated by Indian Armed Forces, which have a range of 25 km.

The missile was first test fired on June 4, and DRDO plans to conduct further 8 firing trials before operationalising the system.