
ROKAF Black Eagle T-50 display jet overturns during Singapore Air Show

A South Korean Air Force (ROKAF) Black Eagle aerobatic team T-50B Golden Eagle aircraft overturned while taking off from the Changi In...

A South Korean Air Force (ROKAF) Black Eagle aerobatic team T-50B Golden Eagle aircraft overturned while taking off from the Changi International Airport in Singapore, today.

The aircraft was taking off from the Runway 02L/20R for an aerobatic display at the opening day of Singapore Air Show, in a 3-ship aircraft formation.

During the take off roll, the aircraft suffered a tire burst and lost control, following which it skidded off the runway, overturned and caught fire.

The aircraft flipped about its port main landing land gear and came to halt inverted. The port landing gear, port wing and the vertical fin has sustained structural damage.

The incident happened at 1:24 pm local time and the pilot was extricated by the airport emergency services. He escaped with out any major injuries.

The T-50 was developed by Korea Aerospace Industries in collaboration with Lockheed Martin as an advanced trainer jet powered by a single GE F404 turbofan engine. Later combat capable variants were developed and has been a export success.

The Black Eagle display team consist of 8 T-50B aircraft, which are customized variants to increase maneuverability, and is also equipped smoke dispensers.