
SIGINT variant of Turkish ANKA UAV revealed

A classified signal intelligence (SIGINT) variant of the Turkish TAI Anka medium altitude, long range (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UA...

A classified signal intelligence (SIGINT) variant of the Turkish TAI Anka medium altitude, long range (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has been revealed undergoing testing.

The SIGINT variant is modified with several small antenna farms on the bottom for COMINT (communication intelligence) and side mounted arrays housing ESM\ELINT (electronic intelligence) system.

These capabilities will enable Anka to collect tactical communication and electronic intelligence in a battlefield, which will be then live transmitted through the onboard satcom to the control station.

The ground surface SIGINT ANKA flying over in the picture has been geolocated to the Akinci Air Base, located northwest of Turkish capital Ankara, which is currently used by TAI for flight testing.

The platform has also reportedly been deployed to aid Turkish offensive in Syria, by Turkish intelligence organisation MIT.

The TAI Anka developed for Turkish Armed Forces is capable of  armed Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance missions with endurance up to 24 hours and 200 km radius of action.

With a wingspan of 17.3 m and length 8 m, Anka is powered by a 155 hp Thielert Centurion 2.0 piston engine enabling a 200 kg payload