
J-10C enter service with Chinese PLAAF

The improved Chengdu J-10C fighter has entered operational service with Chinese PLA Air Force.

The improved Chengdu J-10C fighter has entered operational service with Chinese PLA Air Force.

The J-10C is a further improvement of the J-10B, equipped with an indigenous active electronically scanned array (AESA) fire-control radar and new air to air weapon capability.

The air defense capability has been improved with the introduction of the new Chinese PL-10 short range and new long range PL-15 infrared-homing air-to-air missile (AAM).

The PL-15 succeeds the 100 km range PL-12. Range of the missile could be presumed to be 150 to 200 km. Chinese media said the PL-15 can reach out to over 300 km at a speed greater than Mach 4 (4,900 km/h).

The PL-10 is a highly maneuverable short range air to air missile equipped with thrust vectoring. The infrared homing missile is reported to have a range of 20 km.

The J-10B/C is the mainstay of PLAAF singe engine fighter fleet. The multi-role fighter can perform air to air, air to ground and naval strike missions.

The fourth generation supersonic, single seat, single engine fighter features a stealthy diverterless supersonic inlet (DSI) engine air intake like its predecessor.

The C variants are also reportedly more stealthy with the addition of radar absorbing coatings.

Maneuverability of J-10C will be further increased with the introduction of thrust vectoring capability. Chengdu has been rumored to flight testing TVC equipped J-10s.

Reports also indicate the present Russian AL-31F engine will be replaced by the indigenous Shenyang-Liming WS-10 Taihang turbofan engine.

According to Chinese analysts, with three drop tanks and air-to-air missiles, the J-10B/C could have a combat radius of 1,200 km, enough to perform air superiority missions over the Korean and Japanese airspace from its Yanji base in northeastern China.