Monday, February 24


Naval Variant of V-22 Osprey takes off

Naval variant of the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft has completed maiden flight from Bell's Amarillo Assembly Center. ...

Naval variant of the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft has completed maiden flight from Bell's Amarillo Assembly Center.

The CMV-22B Osprey is a variant of the U.S. Marines MV-22B and is the replacement for the C-2A Greyhound for the Carrier Onboard Delivery (COD) mission.

The Osprey tiltrotor V/STOL aircraft that can takeoff and land as a helicopter but transit as a turboprop aircraft.

U.S. Navy will use the CMV-22B for transporting personnel, mail, supplies and high-priority cargo from shore bases to aircraft carriers at sea.

Bell Boeing designed the Navy variant specifically for carrier fleet operations by providing increased fuel capacity for the extended range requirement. The mission flexibility of the Osprey will increase operational capabilities and readiness, in addition to ferrying major components of the F-35 engine.

As compared to the MV-22B, the Navy variant has extended operational range, a beyond line-of-sight HF radio, improved fuel dump capability, a public address system for passengers, and an improved lighting system for cargo loading.

The CMV-22B will be capable of transporting up to 6,000 pounds of cargo/personnel to a 1,150 NM range.

The first CMV-22B will be delivered to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (HX) 21 in early 2020 for developmental test.

US Navy currently plans to procure 44 aircraft.

Since 2007, the V-22 has continuously served the Marines and Navy, as well as Air Force Special Operations and has crossed the 500,000 flight hour milestone.

More than 375 Ospreys are operational as of now.