
Aircelle unveil Electro-luminescent display for aircraft

Aircraft nacelle systems maker Aircelle unveiled a innovative thin electro-luminescent display system to display logos, advertising or o...

Aircelle unveil Electro-luminescent display for aircraft

Aircraft nacelle systems maker Aircelle unveiled a innovative thin electro-luminescent display system to display logos, advertising or other messaging on airliners and business jets.

The system completed first evaluation flight on June 8 at night onboard an Airbus 380. The A380 testbed aircraft’s no. 1 outboard engine nacelle was outfitted with an Aircelle electro-luminescent display configured as an illuminated Airbus logo.

The testing demonstrated the marking’s brightness, clarity and readability – confirming its outstanding visibility at various lighting conditions and distances.

Aircelle unveil Electro-luminescent display for aircraft

Aircelle has received positive response from aircraft manufacturing and airline executives who have been shown the electro-luminescent solution. It will be unveiled on the Paris Air Show exhibit of Safran (Hall A, Exhibit stand #228) from June 15 to June 21.

It is capable of showing a full range of graphics, patterns and animations, with placement almost anywhere on an aircraft – from the fuselage and under-fuselage belly to the engine nacelles and tail.

Aircelle unveil Electro-luminescent display for aircraft

The display uses on-board electrical power, opens up highly creative opportunities that are exceptionally visible, with applications including the highlighting of airline logos and liveries, as well as promoting the air transport sector’s growing number of joint marketing campaigns and event affiliations.

The concept is also scalable to private jets, enabling owners to personalize their aircraft with artistic designs.