
Dassault Falcon Epicure to replace French C-160G Signal Intelligence aircraft

French Ministry of the Armed Forces has selected Dassault Aviation's Falcon business jet platform for its next electronic warfare an...

French Ministry of the Armed Forces has selected Dassault Aviation's Falcon business jet platform for its next electronic warfare and signal intelligence aircraft.

Under the Universal Electronic Warfare Capability (CUGE) program, Dassault will modify three Falcons with a newly developed Thales EW/SIGINT sensor that can simultaneously intercept both radio and radar emissions.

Dubbed the Falcon Epicure, the aircraft will replace the two C-160 Gabriel turboprop COMINT and ELINT aircraft currently serving the French Armed Forces, which are due for retirement in 2025.

Either the triple engined Falcon 7X or the larger Falcon 8X will be used for the program. Both are having ranges in excess of 11,000 km.